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(Colroado Association for Gifted and Talented) 


CAGT (Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented) is a nonprofit advocacy organization that provides information, leadership, and support to gifted youth, their families, and educators of gifted young people in Colorado. Through connections and relationships made with affiliates across the state, CAGT's goal is to keep policymakers and school districts aware of the issues surrounding gifted education. Every year CAGT hosts a conference where they provide over 70 presentations from experts in the field of gifted education to help educators, administrators, parents, and community members remain informed about the progression and advancements in gifted education.



What our board did there:


Our board traveled to Fort Collins to give a presentation and use the annual conference as a way to premiere our board and open the discussion on how we can improve on gifted education from the student perspective. We shared our ideas in a presentation and breakout sessions, networked, and got a baseline idea about what we can accomplish as a student board. We also provided our attedees with a handout outlining some of our ideas. That handout is linked for you below. 

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